สหพันธ์แรงงานรัฐวิสาหกิจแห่งประเทศไทย สพร.ท. SEWFOT

 NEWS : State Enterprises Worker's Federation of Thailand   


SEWFOT in the international labor movement,

which President SEWFOT duty

Co-chair of Energy Section at IndustriALL Global Union.

SEWFOT met with the Minister of Labour to discuss
 subject development and the participationof labour organizations .

         On July 20, Labour Minister and his team had a meeting with Mr.Bunchong boonyarat, President of Labour Organization of Thailand , Private Employees Federation 7 Federation, and State Enterprises Worker's Federation of Thailand (SEWFOT). The main dialog of the meeting was about the national development in labor related policies. In this regard, President of SEWFOT and representatives had presented topics related to the labor sector in state enterprise organizations which will contribute to the development of the role and responsibility of State Enterprises Worker's Federation of Thailand (SEWFOT) in safeguarding the interests of the state organizations for the nation as a whole.


SEWFOT Let's cheer for
Fish Marketing State Enterprise Workers' Union.

The management and staff of the Fish Marketing. Through the crisis and to stand up for the public enterprises.


The activities of the union president.

The Annual General Meeting 2557

SEWFOT meet Minister of Labour in 2557.


Book discussions 

SEWFOT proposed discussions NCPO.


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State Enterprises Worker's

Federation of Thailand

555 Vibhavadi Rangsit Road. 

Chatuchak Chatuchak Bangkok

Multipurpose Building 1st floor            

PTT. Ltd.(Company)



Ptt-Union@pttplc.com / apsorn.k@pttplc.com


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